Age of Empires II: DE


Hernan "Hearttt_" Boluarte, the skilled Peruvian Age of Empires II player born in 1996, has made significant strides in the AoE gaming world. After being a founding member of team Aftermath and initially playing alongside MBL and other former aM players, Hernan took a break only to return stronger a few years ago. His remarkable comeback saw him excelling into the top 12 rankings, culminating in his notable debut at Nili’s Apartment Cup V, his first S-tier LAN event. Hernan's exceptional prowess in the gaming realm continue to serve as a beacon of inspiration for numerous individuals within the passionate LataM gaming community. This reverence has magnified significantly following his recent triumph in the highly esteemed Copa 3k Libertadores event, a prestigious tournament within the Age of Empires II domain exclusively tailored for Latin American players. Hernan emerged victorious, surpassing seasoned professionals like Nicov, Sebastian, Dogao, and Capoch to claim this illustrious title.

Chuptaburger is a low-key Hearttt_ fanboy and wrote this synopsis.


Kai "Liereyy" Kallinger, a talented Austrian Age of Empires II player born in 2002, has undeniably left a lasting impact on the competitive gaming arena. : While previously part of Aftermath, he has consistently held a position within the top 5 players globally for numerous years, showcasing his exceptional skills and determination in the competitive scene of Age of Empires II: DE. Despite facing formidable opponents, his strategic prowess and unwavering dedication have solidified his reputation as a formidable force to be reckoned with, especially on open maps, showcasing his prowess by clinching victories or securing second place in the majority of S-Tier tournaments he has participated in. His remarkable achievements extend across prestigious events such as Red Bull Wololo, Battle of Africa, Warlords, KOTD, and NAC tournaments, cementing his legacy in the competitive Age of Empires II community. For further details on his impressive track record, feel free to access the Liquipedia link for an in-depth overview of his exceptional career in the gaming world.